Visual cliff perception among 6 to 14 months children
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Depth visual
Visual cliff
Visual motor
Depth perception

How to Cite

Paxi Silva, G. J., Rivera Hurtado, A. C., & Portilla Revollar, C. (2022). Visual cliff perception among 6 to 14 months children. Revista De Psicología, 12(1), 157–178.


The purpose of this investigation was to determine if there were differences in depth perception among infants aged 6 to 14 months who crawl, according to gender and age. The «Visual Cliff» evaluation device was used, in an adapted version of the Eleanor Gibson’s model. The population consisted of 153 infants who attended 14 institutions within different districts of Arequipa. A stratified sample was obtained of 44 infants between 6 to 14 months of age. The study was descriptive comparative. Only 24 (55%) infants recognized the visual cliff, while 20 (45%) of them do not recognize it. However, the difference with those who did not recognize the visual cliff wasn’t statistically significant, although as they get older, their depth perception improves. Among participants from 6 to 8 months, only one recognized the visual cliff, from the group of 9 to 11 months, seven of them, and from the last group, of 12 to 14 months, sixteen participants recognized the visual cliff. There were no significant differences in depth perception between male and female infants from 6 to 14 months. Finally, no significant differences were found between the participants from the various institutions included in the study.
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