Psychometric analysis of the beck anxiety inventory (bai) in Peruvian university students from south Lima
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Psychometric properties
Undergraduate students

How to Cite

Basauri Delgado, M. A., Chirio Aldazabal, D. B., & Colonia Zevallos, F. A. (2023). Psychometric analysis of the beck anxiety inventory (bai) in Peruvian university students from south Lima. Revista De Psicología, 12(2), 51–70.


The aim of the study was to perform a psychometric analysis of the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) translated by Vizioli and Pagano (2020) in 478 Peruvian university students from Lima Sur, aged 17 to 33 years (M = 24.1; SD = 5.24). The results showed that the bifactor model was a better fit (X2/gl = 1.54, CFI = .975, NNFI = .968, RMSEA = .048, SRMR = .058) in comparison to the 2-factor model. It was concluded that the best factorial model is the bifactor model, assuming both a general anxiety and two factors: cognitive and somatic, being considered as evidence for further research.
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