Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020): Illustro

Review Articles:

- Systematic review of theoretical literature on impact evaluation methods to evaluate public policies

- Branch offices in Peru and the application of the Decision 578 from the Andean Community of Nations

Empirical Research Articles:

- Value-generating activities of micro and small metalworking companies in Arequipa

- Venezuelan migrants in Arequipa: motivation and migration project

- Entrepreneur capability and stress in workers from private institutions in Arequipa during the COVID-19 pandemic

- Comparative study of the empowerment of working women in two higher education institutions, Mexico-Peru

Book Reviews:

- Wonderful decisions

- The Trappist monks and the management of human talent

Artículos de investigación empírica

María de Lourdes Amador Martínez, Aline Aurora De Lucio Islas, Sofía Carolina María Estremadoyro Bejarano, Yessica García Hernández
Comparative study of the empowerment of working women in two higher education institutions, Mexico-Peru
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Patricio Manolo Cárdenas Hinojosa, Oswaldo José Moreno, Anatolia Hortencia Hinojosa Pérez
Migrantes venezolanos en Arequipa: motivación y proyecto migratorio
PDF (Español (España))
Yezelia Cáceres Cabana, María Castillo Ureta, Gabriela Carpio Anconeira, Juan Mardonio Rivera Medina
Las actividades generadoras de valor de las micro y pequeñas empresas metalmecánicas arequipeñas
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Yessenia Cusirramos Carpio, Walter L. Arias Gallegos, Noelia A. Jiménez Barrios
Entrepreneur capability and stress in workers from private institutions in Arequipa during the Covid-19 pandemic
PDF (Español (España))