The Impacts of Sensory Marketing in Advertising
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The present research aims to explain the influence of the senses in advertising and the different strategies that can be implemented to improve the consumer experience and therefore, target their niche in the best way, analyzing the effects that these strategies have on each of the consumer senses and the different approaches that organizations can play, for its application in their day to day; thanks to this, organizations can design more effective marketing and
communication strategies and thus improve the close relationship with their customers and consumers, and only then achieve their loyalty to the brand and improve the competitiveness
of the organization.
The topics to be addressed in the present research are detailed under the following chapters: a) Images in advertising, b) Olfactory advertising, c) Haptic advertising, d) Stimulus
orientation and mental simulation, e) Music in advertising, and f) Advertising text, sensory stimulation and perceived taste. It should be noted that since it is an analysis of each sense of the human body, it is focused on the field of business by presenting and supporting the benefits and sensations that the senses can generate in consumers, emphasizing the following two points: a) first, the importance of the sense, and b) second, the position in the variables
involved in the advertising stimulus towards them. At the same time, each sense is approached from a historical perspective to make a brief review of the evolution of this variable up to the present day.
In this context, after concluding this research, it was postulated that the development of the senses represents an important role in the development of advertising and marketing strategies
by companies. Therefore, innovation is essential to encourage consumers and relate the senses with the strategies mentioned above for communicating the message desired by the organization.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Luis Sebastián Albarracin Herrera, Daniel Alonso Rodríguez Linares, Diego Eliseo Carpio Segura


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