The Catholic Church as a secularization factor amongst Jaen peasants migrating from the Andes


  • Véronique Lecaros Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Lima, Perú)



secularization, enchanted cosmovision, social projects of the Church, social projects of the Catholic Church, Catholich Church and enviroment, Catholic Church and environment, Vicariate of Jaen


This article presents the way religious catholic people get involved in the protection of the ecosystem of the Jaen Vicariate, entrusted to the Company of Jesus. Peasants of the zone, who are migrants from the mountains regions, exploit their new habitat according to their ancestors’ traditions shaped in different context. These agricultural methods are inserted in an enchanted worldview. Religious people to encourage
practices respectful of the environment fight against harmful beliefs and promote a rational and scientific comprehension of the situation, a secularized one. Nonetheless, their initiative is not fully successful. It is very difficult to deal with one aspect of a worldview and change it. Besides, peasants, who often experience great necessities, have assimilated the logic and the expectations of the consumer society. Good techniques
are not enough; as pope Frances states, a good equilibrium between human beings and between human beings and nature is necessary. These reflections are part of the international debate on the good management of the Amazonian region and its protection. 


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2020-12-01 — Updated on 2021-09-30

How to Cite

Lecaros, V. (2021). The Catholic Church as a secularization factor amongst Jaen peasants migrating from the Andes. Allpanchis, 47(86), 103–130.